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LISD Leader

Posted Date: 02/19/2024

LISD Leader

Levelland ISD has the best leaders and we are proud to announce that Mr. Rodney Caddell, Assistant Superintendent, has recently been elected as District V representative for the Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators (TASPA). District V covers all school districts in Region 17 (Lubbock area), Region 16 (Amarillo area), Region 14 (San Angelo area), and Region 9 (Wichita Falls area). As a representative, Mr. Caddell will serve a three-year term as a voting member of TASPA’s Executive Board, assist in the coordination of Organization activities in the geographical area served, assist in member recruitment, contribute information on personnel issues in the TASPA Newsletter, work with the Executive Director to develop conference programs that will showcase human resources best practices and key issues impacting the human resource department, and attend and serve as facilitators at designated district and state conferences. TASPA is a professional association primarily made up of Texas public school human resources (HR) administrators and support staff. TASPA assists in providing the tools, strategies and approaches necessary to support effectively and efficiently a district's HR function with relevant and timely information on the trends in the public school human resources profession. TASPA is divided into six regional districts by education service center. Members receive timely email alerts on state agency news and legislative updates, newsletters, and special reports on key issues in personnel and human resource administration. The membership also provides for a voice on personnel issues before the Texas Legislature, State Board of Education, Texas Education Agency, State Board for Educator Certification, and among the members. Mr. Caddelll we are so proud of you and are so glad that you are a LISD leader on our team! Thank you for what you do for LISD educators!