Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES)
English | Español
The 2024-2025 PDSES application is closed.
The 2025-2026 application window will open in the Spring of 2026, please check back here for specific dates or you can sign up for PDSES email updates below.
Click on the following links to go to that section:
- About Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES)
- Eligibility Criteria
- Application Process
- Join the Email List
- List of Current Service Providers and Vendors
- Additional Resources
About Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES)
The Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) program is a one-time $1,500 online grant for parents/guardians of eligible students served by special education and who are enrolled in a Texas public school. Parents/guardians of eligible students can use the online accounts to shop the marketplace to obtain educational materials and resources such as textbooks, curriculum, or technology devices and/or services such as additional speech therapy, tutoring, or other specific services. The PDSES program is the same as the Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) program, just with a new name to better reflect the importance of parents as decision makers in the educational process. The same students who were eligible for the SSES program are eligible for the PDSES program. If students already received an SSES grant, they will not be eligible for a PDSES program grant.
Eligibility Criteria:
The PDSES Program is a first-come, first-served one-time only grant. If you have previously been awarded a PDSES or SSES account, you will not be eligible to apply again. Before you apply, please make sure your student meets the eligibility criteria.
To be eligible for the PDSES grant, a student must:
- be currently enrolled in a Texas public school (grades Pre-K through 12th);
- receive special education services through an individualized education program (IEP); and
- have not received a PDSES/SSES grant in the past. (PDSES is a one-time-only grant.)
PDSES Application Process
The 2024-2025 PDSES application is closed. The 2025-2026 application window will open in the Spring of 2026, please check back here for specific dates or you can sign up for PDSES email updates below.
For detailed instructions and information about the application process, it is recommended that you view the:
- PDSES Application and Parent Portal FAQs and
- PDSES Application and Parent Portal Instructions – this includes step-by-step directions including screenshots of the PDSES application and Parent Portal.
Overview on how to Apply:
The 2024-2025 PDSES application is closed, during the annual application window you can apply for a PDSES grant.
- To apply for the PDSES grant, parents MUST have or create a My SPEDTex Account. To start the application process, click on the button below "Apply Now".
- Parents should log in to their My SPEDTex Account and click on the "Apply for the PDSES grant" button to create their PDSES Parent Portal.
- Once in the PDSES Parent Portal, parents must add their contact information.
- Next parents will add their student(s) to their PDSES Parent Portal by clicking “Add Student.” Parents will need to provide the following information to be able to search for and add their student on the “Student Lookup” page:
- Identification Number:
- Unique Identification Number (UID) – If you know your student’s 10-digit UID you can enter it here. See this FAQ more information about UIDs. OR
- Social Security Number (SSN) or State Alternate ID (S#) - (only needed if you do not know your student’s UID) – you can use your student’s SSN (9-digits) or S# (the letter “S” followed by 8-digits) to lookup the UID, whichever number was used to register the student. If you do not know your student’s SSN or S#, you will need to contact your student’s school - the PDSES program and TEA are unable to provide this information.
- Student Information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Identification Number:
- After the application window has opened, and during the application window, parents can select “Apply” on the row for each individual student.
If you have already submitted an application:
For more information about what to expect after you have submitted your application(s), visit the PDSES Parent Portal and Application FAQs. You can also click the button below to log into your My SPEDTex Account and PDSES Parent Portal.
Log into your My SPEDTex Account and PDSES Parent Portal
Join the 2025-2026 School Year's Application Email List:
If you would like to receive email updates about the PDSES program, please fill out the interest form below to join the email list. This is a new email list, if you have previously signed up to receive updates, you will need to sign up again. To complete the form in Spanish, after clicking on the button below there will be a language option in the top right to toggle to Spanish.
List of Current Service Providers and Vendors
Approved PDSES Service Provider List and Map
Approved PDSES Direct Pay Vendors
Approved PDSES Integrated Vendors
Additional Resources
TEA is working to update the name to PDSES, and logo on all outreach materials for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. “Any reference to Supplemental Special Education Services Program, supplemental special education services, supplemental special education services instructional materials, or SSES in state law and TEA materials is to be considered synonymous with the PDSES program.” 19 TAC §102.1601(a).
If you have applied and want to follow up on the decision that you received, please contact us at or you can call SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839.
Quick PDSES Links
If you have additional questions or need help, email us at or call SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839.
Special Education or IEP-Related Questions?
Phone: 1-855-SPEDTEX (1-855-773-3839)